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palleagermark: Book review: Implementing Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 with Sure Step
Источник: http://www.agermark.com/2013/05/book...microsoft.html

Implementing Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 with Sure Step is more about actual implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 than the Sure Step methodology itself. You will not learn everything about the methodology by reading the book, but you will get some idea about how you use Sure Step in connection with a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 implementation.

The book covers every major Sure Step phase, from Diagnostics to Operation. Between the parts about Diagnostics and Operation, the book becomes very Microsoft Dynamics AX specific and it gets very detailed about technical areas about the product. There is a tendency to move in an out between AX technical stuff and the Sure Step model, and it is a bit difficult for the reader to hold the connection between the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 specific information and related Sure Step activities.

The AX infrastructure is explained in detail, maybe too detailed for a methodology book. Quite a few recommendations here, and in several other places, comes as unsubstantiated claims. I would really have liked to get some more background information to support the claims.
Moreover, I think the book would benefit from having a clearer link between the methodology and the related AX parts and tasks.

However, that said. The authors clearly have a long hands-on experience of doing implementations with Microsoft Dynamics AX. No matter if, you have the same length of experience or you are new to Microsoft Dynamics AX and/or Sure Step and no matter if you are in a technical, functional or project role, you should be able to pick up some useful learnings from the book.

You can read more about the book here.

Источник: http://www.agermark.com/2013/05/book...microsoft.html
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