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atinkerersnotebook: New Dynamics AX Blog Posts and Blueprints Available

One of the requests that I have always got after people have browsed and downloaded my posts from SlideShare is that the image quality has not been the best because SlideShare compresses the images when the post them. Another is that it is slow to download the slides, and with 100 slides in some of the presentations, this can be frustrating – especially if you are looking for some particular content. Even when I forward on the PDF, then you may not be able to quite make out the particular code or form within the document. Also, with some of the posts, there is a lot of content that I try to publish, and it may be a little overwhelming to see pages and pages of instructions on my blog posts.

So I am trying a different approach to help you all get the most out of Dynamics AX and wanted to pass on the details since at one point or another I have either talked to you, met with you, demonstrated to you, you have visited my blog (, you have browsed my SlideShare account ( or all of the above.

In addition to my catchall blog site ( I have created two new blog sites that you might like to check out. They are:
  • Dynamics AX Tip Of The Day (
    Here I am posting the smaller tips on how to get the most out of Dynamics AX, and as the name says, there should be a new post every work day. I was inspired after giving the 30 Tips in 60 Minutes presentation at the AXUG a couple of weeks ago, and so far I have been able to keep up with the postings. Disregard any spelling or grammatical errors that you may find, because I tend to post these at 6:15am in the morning while still working through my first cup of coffee.
  • Extending Dynamics AX (
    This is where I will be posting my future walkthroughs for everyone, but rather than posting them as one great big voluminous post, I will break them down into bite sized chunks, with an index post that you can use to reference the articles and find just the topic that you are looking for. I will be transferring over the more popular posts from my old blog site to here over time.
If you want an easy way to track the posts on all of the channels that I am using, then make sure you follow the Facebook page that I am using for all of this – the URL is:

Finally, I am also creating reference Blueprints that are available on Amazon that combine all of the information in the blogs into an easy to reference and lightweight format. These should be better references when working through some of the more intricate or lengthy posts, and also should give you better access to the content and code snippets:

These take a little bit of time to develop and publish, but I should be creating these as part of the documentation process, but they give me the ability to update them continually, and also add additional notes and sections that you will be able to access automatically through the Kindle publishing process. So far there are three primary blueprints that I have published, and below is a description of them and the content that they contain:

Developing a Product Approval Workflow in Dynamics AX 2012

There are a lot of workflow templates that are delivered with Dynamics AX 2012, but that doesn’t mean that those are the only ones that you can use.  Developing new workflow templates and actions are pretty straight forward and you can easily extend out the system to incorporate other workflow scenarios that have not been added yet.
In this blueprint we will work through one example and show you how you can develop your own workflow process for product approvals that allow you to submit, track and approve the product review process.
</p>In this walkthrough we showed how you can create your own workflow templates and activities.  The product approval process could easily be extended out to include more steps and approvals for the products, allowing for it to be used for new product introduction and development.

This does not just have to apply to product approvals though, you can use exactly the same process to create workflow templates for the approval of other areas where the approval processes may be needed such as Customer, Vendors and BOMS.  All you need to do is change the base tables and forms that are being referenced and the process will be almost identical.

You can also extend out the approval logic to update more information through the workflows like flags for allowing the use of the record after it has been activated, and also incorporating information that has been gathered during the process.  If you want to get really creative, you can even create custom workflow elements that incorporate other technologies like Outlook for the creation of tasks and appointments.

Don’t be afraid to create new workflow templates, once you have built them, then they will provide a much better way to streamline your business processes, and the hour or so that you spend creating them will be recouped quickly by the removal of the manual workarounds that would have been used without them.


Configuring and Using Vendor Requests

Built into Dynamics AX is a feature for managing the setup of new Vendors which allows users to request for new vendors to be added, for the purchasing group approval process by the way of workflows, and finally automatically create new vendor records.  Additionally, if you are using the Vendor Portal, the on-boarding process will allow you to co-ordinate the setup of the vendor users, and if you want to, you van also have the prospective vendors update and approve their information before they are approved to ensure that their details are correct, and that they want to do business with you as well.  This process is a great way to streamline the vendor setup process and is also a time saver because people are involved through the workflow process and all activities are tracked.
In this blueprint we will show how the vendor on-boarding process is handled through the Vendor Requests function within Dynamics AX.

The vendor on-boarding process makes the setting up of vendors so much easier, especially when you have multiple people involved in the setup and approval process.

In this example we have just shown a couple of the options that are available to you.  Once you have mastered the basics, you can try the following:

  • Adding questionnaires for gathering additional information from the vendors during on-boarding
  • Tweaking the vendor justification options
  • Automating the user setup process workflows
  • Adding multiple routings and approval steps for the workflow processes.
This is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, and may be overkill for some of you, but for those that do have more formal processes in place for adding vendors, this will definitely be a life saver and allow you to manage the on-boarding process a lot more effectively.  Give it a go, I’m sure it will be worth the setup.



Using PowerPivot to Analyze Your Dynamics AX Data

Perhaps you have heard about the new tool in Excel called PowerPivot, but wonder how it can enhance your use of Excel.
In this series we will show how PowerPivot can assist you with advanced data analysis and reporting, making those extracts from Dynamics AX to Excel even more valuable.

PowerPivot is a great tool that gives you a lot more capabilities that the normal Pivot function lacks, and in this worked example we have shown how it also extends out to SharePoint giving you a number of new publishing and visualization options.

Once you have mastered all of the basics of PowerPivot, you may want to dive into some other features like:

  • The creation of more complex calculations using the DAX Queries
  • The creation of KPI’s based off the calculations
  • Reporting hierarchies
Then you will want to start investigating the other tools that are included in the PowerBI suite (which PowerPivot is just one of). The other tools are:

  • PowerView
  • PowerMap
  • PowerQuery
Have fun PowerBI-ing.



I hope this is useful, or at the very least interesting and don’t hesitate to drop me a note if you have any comments or suggestions on other cool things to do with AX

PS. Don’t forget to check out my book – Extending Dynamics AX 2012 Cookbook – every time one is sold, an angel gets it’s wings – or more importantly I get closer to publishing a new book for you all

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