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Старый 08.01.2010, 01:13   #1  
iarveta is offline
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credit note for a designated invoice
AX 2009
A credit note is created for a free-text invoice with a link to the invoice. After the credit note is posted the Customer transactions grid shows the reference from the invoice to the credit note. However, the amount of the credit is settled against the oldest invoice for the customer, not the one that has a reference to the credit note.
AR Parameters:
Updates tab: Credit invoicing is checked, Settlement type for credit notes = Designated transactions (and the help says: "The transactions will be settled with respect to a specific invoice."),
Settlement tab: Automatic settlement is checked.
Any other setting are needed?
Thank you

Можно отвечать по-русски или по-английски. Спасибо.
Старый 08.01.2010, 02:19   #2  
EVGL is offline
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AFAIK, the auto. settlement works according to the FIFO principle. Reverse the settlement and settle the two by hand.

P.S. Sorry, now I've realised what you are actually asking. 'Settlement type for credit notes' seems to be there for sales orders only, free-text invoices are not supported. I.e. see the solution above

Последний раз редактировалось EVGL; 08.01.2010 в 02:32.
Старый 09.01.2010, 00:08   #3  
iarveta is offline
2 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 07.01.2010
Thank you for your reply! We would like to use the automatic settlement because we have a huge number of invoices and credit memos and don't want to go to Open transaction editing every time for settlement. So, the reference to a free-text invoice (and a clear link from the invoice to the credit note) is not working I assume. Well, I posted the same question on the MS business solutions blog, maybe they know something I don't. Thanks again! Tanya

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