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Старый 28.02.2010, 00:13   #1  
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Dynamics AX Sustained Engineering: Release of Dynamics AX 2009 Impact Analysis Tool

We’re excited to announce the availability of Impact Analysis Tool for Dynamics AX 2009.

Introduction to Impact Analysis:

Patch Impact analysis, is the process of understanding a change that is being introduced into a system, determining the consequences of the change on related subsystems, and creating possible mitigation plans to reduce risk.

Dynamics AX 2009 Patch Impact Analysis Tool:

The Dynamics AX 2009 Impact Analysis Tool (IAT), is a one stop tool for analyzing the impact patches before they are applied to a Dynamics AX system. The IAT will analyze, code compare and cross-reference, the impact of patch across all layers. Previously, this functionality did not exist in a combined tool in Microsoft Dynamics AX, this made it more time consuming to assess the full impact of a patch, before it was applied to a system.

What’s required for Impact Analysis:

There are two requirements in order to use Impact Analysis for Dynamics AX 2009. First, you must have the required framework (X++ components) installed in order for Impact Analysis to operate – this framework is available on both Partner Source and Customer Source via knowledge base article KB974255. Secondly, the Hotfix Installer included in the hotfix needs to be able to support Impact Analysis – all Dynamics AX 2009 hotfixes released after March 1st will include Impact Analysis support within the installer.

For more information on Impact Analysis, including the pre-requisite framework (KB974255) and whitepaper, please visit

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