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Старый 10.01.2008, 23:17   #1  
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axStart: Checklist when AX is not working with SharePoint

I see a lot of people looking everywhere when the don’t get AX working in SharePoint. I have made a small list where to look. I hoop this list makes working easier:
·        Check if the user has a relation in AX to that site.
·        Check if the user has the correct user groups.
·        Is the website only registered in 1 company?
·        Is the AOS running (this also result in white pages)
·        Is the proxy user available in the online user screen?
·        Is the proxy user defined in AX
·        IIS, is the application pool of the website equal to the proxy user.
·        Has the proxy user the right groups (IIS_WPG, WWS_WPG, PowerUser)
·        Do I see errors in the event viewer of Windows? Be aware it is just an AX .net connection from IIS to the AOS.

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