23.09.2008, 12:38 | #1 |
error at call static method for CLRobject
Hi folks,
i have created a .net dll for ax, it is part of my global asambly cach, it compiles (great :-)) but at run time i get this error occur client static boolean updateCRMfromCustTable(custTable _newCustTable, custTable _orgCustTable) { CrmAx.CustContainer custContainer; CrmAx.AdresContainer adresContainer; System.String connectionURl; System.Collections.ArrayList errorList; InteropPermission interopPermission; str errorStr; str address; int errorCount; int errorMax; ; //Run on server InteropPermission = new interoppermission(Interopkind::ClrInterop); interoppermission.assert(); connectionURl = "http://hbd52/mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx"; try { custContainer = CrmAx.CustContainer::GetCustContainer(_newCustTable.CRMAccountID,connectionURl); ERROR OCCUR custContainer.set_AccountNum