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Старый 26.11.2004, 11:48   #1  
paucer is offline
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Регистрация: 11.11.2003
Адрес: Kaunas
? how to send an email?
i need to send an email from my Entrprise portal. How to do that? are there any examples in axapta?
thanks in advance
Старый 26.11.2004, 13:53   #3  
Maxim Gorbunov is offline
Maxim Gorbunov
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Re: how to send an email?
Изначально опубликовано paucer
i need to send an email from my Entrprise portal.
А по какому событию?
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Старый 26.11.2004, 14:27   #4  
paucer is offline
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Re: Re: how to send an email?
Изначально опубликовано Maxim Gorbunov
А по какому событию?
When real field value is modified in grid.
In this case i would put mail send code in datasorce's field's modified() method.
Старый 26.11.2004, 15:47   #5  
max_woody_ru is offline
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А можно ли как-нибудь проверить статус операции? Ни quickSend, ни sendMail ничего не возвращают... При неверных настройках почты просто выскакивает сообщение об ошибке. Хотелось бы его подавить и обрабатывать ситуацию вручную
Старый 26.11.2004, 16:29   #6  
maxsmirnov is offline
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При неверных настройках почты просто выскакивает сообщение об ошибке

убрать само сообщение - infolog.cut()
Старый 26.11.2004, 17:19   #7  
paucer is offline
24 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 11.11.2003
Адрес: Kaunas
i downloaded Dndas Mailer Cotrol and activated SMTP service on my PC, but I get else branch in this pieace of code:

PHP код:
    sysMailer mailer = new SysMailer();       
if (
mailer.validateAddress("") == 6)          
info("validation operation failed");     
let say that "" is a valid addres. so i suspect, that my smtp servce produces an error.
maybe you have any tips how configure correct smpt or to test if my smtp works fine.

Старый 26.11.2004, 17:31   #8  
paucer is offline
24 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 11.11.2003
Адрес: Kaunas
my appologies, i wanted to write:

but I can't get in "else" branch in this pieace of code:
Старый 26.11.2004, 18:24   #9  
Maxim Gorbunov is offline
Maxim Gorbunov
Лучший по профессии 2009
2,483 / 645 (26) +++++++
Регистрация: 27.11.2001
Адрес: Dubai, UAE
А DNS-сервер указывать пробовали.

IMPORTANT: If you do not specify a DNS server before calling this method then it will take a substantial amount of time to perform the validation. Make sure you use a DNS server!
ValidateAddress uses the DNSServers collections to perform mail exchange lookups, so it is highly recommended that you add multiple DNS servers to this collection. If no DNS servers have been added to the DNSServers collection then the following default servers will be tried in their respective order: "A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET", "B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET" and "C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET". If these servers are not available then the method call will fail and return an error code.
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