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Старый 06.02.2012, 23:11   #1  
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Microsoft CRM: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, codenamed “R8″

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Старый 06.02.2012, 23:11   #2  
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gustafwesterlund: Cross browser and CRM Mobile

Today Dennis Michalis, General Manager of Dynamics CRM at Microsoft announced that in Q2 2012 a service update of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 will include cross browser functionality to allow users on a multitude of browsers and operting systems to finally be able to use all the great functionality of Dynamics CRM without having to use workarounds like virtualization or terminal services.

Supported Browsers (From Microsoft Roadmap PDF)

He also announced that Microsoft Dynamics CRM Mobile will be released, a Micrsoft based product for bringing CRM functionality to Windows Phones, iPads/iPhones, Androids and Blackberries.

CRM Anywhere on iPad (From Microsoft Roadmap PDF)There were also some other updates that were announced that you can read about in the Service Update Roadmap Q2 2012.

The cross browser functionality is something many of my customers have been waiting for a long time and I really look forward to seeing it. My colleague Rickard noted that no Unix/Linux based systems were mentioned in the matrix which is notable. According to what they previously have mentioned the mutlibrowser version will be based on HTML5 there might hence be two reasons for it not being included. Either it is not tested or there might be parts of the system that required Silverlight or some other component that only exist on Windows and Mac operating systems.

The other notable thing is that the mobile client will be big drawback for companies like Resco, TenDigits and CWR Mobile who have very competent mobile clients. This is always a risk for companies working with products close to Microsofts since Microsoft always need to expand and grow. So, if you are a company looking to invest in a mobile solution, think twice, it might be a good idea to wait a month or two and have a look at the Microsoft version of the product. It will require an extra cost so there will still be room for the other mobile clients but as others have previously noted, it is always hard to compete with Microsoft. Their mobile products do still have several upper hands on Microsoft Dynamics CRM Mobile in this early version for example, it does not support offline functionality and I would presume the mobile API is not as extensive as that of Resco or CWR Mobile (I do not have any experience of TenDigits).

Gustaf Westerlund
CEO, Chief Architect and co-Founder at CRM-konsulterna AB

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Старый 06.02.2012, 23:11   #3  
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Prepare Yourselves for the Q2 2012 Release of R8, aka “CRM Anywhere”

Microsoft has recently announced that the next scheduled service update for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 is going to be released in Q2 of this year. Codenamed “CRM Anywhere,” the release is going to concentrate on the following categories: Mobile Solutions – improvements to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Mobile application Browser Flexibility – this will include [...]

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Старый 06.02.2012, 23:11   #4  
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crminthefield: CRM Anywhere

Today Microsoft is announcing the next set of Dynamics CRM innovations to be released in the Q2 2012 service update.  Among other things, this service update will deliver the capability for customers to access the complete functionality of Microsoft Dynamics CRM on virtually any device with a new cloud-based, cross-platform, native mobile client service for Windows Phone 7, iPad, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry mobile devices.  In addition, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Client will run across a wide range of browsers and platforms in order to meet varying customer demands.  In the field we hear requests for this functionality all the time, and now it’s going to be there for our customers.

Here are some links to get started with to begin reviewing the features and functionality coming with the Q2 2012 service update.  A great way to start the week!!  More to come!


Ryan Anderson

Microsoft Premier Field Engineer

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Старый 07.02.2012, 05:24   #5  
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: CRM Anywhere

Over the last few months I have spent a lot of time meeting with customers, partners and industry leaders around the world on the current trends effecting businesses. The discussions have been fascinating! An interesting theme emerged around technology. The most common questions put to me were what are the innovations other customers are asking for? How are they embracing the rapid change of technology? And how can we leverage technology and Microsoft Dynamics CRM as a vehicle to drive a truly dynamic business to thrive in a hyper competitive environment? Heavy questions! I'll get to my answers in a moment.

In my last blog post I discussed the innovations going on in the CRM space and the fact that CRM is a big bet for Microsoft. Our "CRM economy", if you will, is a deep and vast network. It is big business. Couple that with our strategic "more innovation available more frequently" agenda which we announced last November along with all the work we are doing to synergize Microsoft technologies and bring them home to the CRM customer. Put that all together and you still only begin to scratch the surface of how much we are bringing to the table to change the industry. We will deliver more. Why? Because like you, we are relentless in our drive to outpace the competition.

So on to those answers I promised. We want to be revolutionary, not evolutionary. ...and the market is moving fast. Our customers are tackling CRM initiatives like never before. They can't afford to be casual. They are serious. They don't flinch. They are absolutely convinced that together with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM innovation agenda and pace of delivery, they can be a dynamic business. The most successful customers are innovating with mobility, using every kind of device they can deploy CRM functionality on, and they are going deeper with Microsoft Dynamics CRM flexibility for their specific needs than ever before.

Six months ago we announced our Social Productivity and Enterprise Cloud capabilities release. It was a great success and it was a good part of the answer to those questions I mention above. But we're not standing still. We have no rear-view mirror. I am thrilled to announce the next wave in our continuing cycles of rapid innovation in helping provide those answers: the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Anywhere release is coming in Q2 2012. With this release we are enabling you to be pervasively connected to your most valuable asset-your customer. We are providing more flexibility in mobility than any other CRM provider. Period. CRM where you want to consume it on the device you use.

Who doesn't love to get ahead of their competition in a big way? You do. And we just did in many ways!! And that's really only the beginning of what this release will offer. There's much more to discover including cross-browser support for broad access, data visualization capabilities for unique insight, big additions to our Marketplace and enhanced social capabilities to keep you in touch with your network and customers.

I encourage you to learn more about our Q2 2012 Service Update in our Release Preview Guide.

I look forward to hearing from you as we roll this into the market in the next few months.

Dennis Michalis
GM, Dynamics CRM

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Старый 07.02.2012, 12:11   #6  
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crmdude: Microsoft CRM 2011 R8 Update

Today Microsoft announced what’s going to be in their next service update for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, codenamed “R8″, under the headline: CRM Anywhere.
The R8 service update is expected to be available Q2 2012 and promotes 6 areas of interest:

Multi Browser Support
Social Improvements
Industry Templates
SQL Server 2012
You can read more in the updated Statement of Direction.

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