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Старый 01.08.2013, 00:12   #1  
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PowerShell Script to Run As A Different User

Short script for PowerShell that allows you to start, for example, Dynamics AX client under a different user account.

The main idea is to store the user's password as a secured string in a file, then to restore it from there and create credentials to launch the program.

First, run the script to save the password:

Write-Host "Input password for USERNAME..."
read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\Scripts\USERNAMEpwd.txt
The following script can be saved in a file like RunDynamicsAXasUSERNAME.ps1 to be run as you need:

#Alex Voytsekhovskiy 2013-07-29
# Based on the links:
# This script is to run Dynamics AX under a different user account
# Without user input for credentials
[String]$Username = 'DOMAIN\USERNAME'

# Please check the following paths
# Absolute path to Dynamics AX shortcut
[string]$DynamicsAXAbsolutePath = 'S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe'

# Absolute path to the secured password file
[string]$PasswordAbsolutePath = 'C:\Scripts\USERNAMEpwd.txt'

# Get the secured password from the file
$password = get-content $PasswordAbsolutePath | convertto-securestring

# Create credentials for the program launch
$credentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $Username,$password

# Launch the program
echo "Trying to launch AX 2012..."
start-Process -FilePath $DynamicsAXAbsolutePath -Credential $credentials
I used the following links to create this script:

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