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Старый 06.09.2007, 20:41   #1  
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daxmy: Transfer Orders - "Receive Remain" show weird value after multiple shipments and received

I was come across the standard bug in TO that will increase "Receive Remain" value when user tried to do multiple shipments and receive posting.

Let said we try to transfer item A 200 pcs from Warehouse GW to MW.

By using partial transfer, we are going to ship 8 times (each time 25 pcs) through Picking List, Picking List registration, Shipment, and Receive Posting.

We have encountered the "Receive Remain" value increased in the 7th times when we update picking list registration.

Below is the simulation chart (Refer to TO Line\Receive Now tab) after update picking list registration process:NoShipped quantityReceived quantityReceive remain1 0020022525 17535050150 475751255100 100100612512575
7150150100 (shoule be 50) 8175175150 (should be 25)

It was applicable to AX4.0 SP1 and SP2.

To be continue... for solution...

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daxmy: Transfer Orders - "Receive Remain" show weird value after multiple shipments and received (2) Blog bot DAX Blogs 0 13.09.2007 00:22

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