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Старый 25.01.2007, 13:57   #1  
Kent is offline
46 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 24.01.2007
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 + Reporting Service
Hello !

Can You write, how correctly fill Tools-Reporting Tools- Reporting Servers form in Microsoft Dynamics 4.0?

I don't know, what is "
Microsoft Dynamics report folder " field?

Yoy can answer in russian.
Старый 25.01.2007, 15:47   #2  
MironovI is offline
724 / 77 (4) ++++
Регистрация: 30.05.2005
If SharePoint Services is installed on the same machine as your reporting server, you must add the /reports and /reportserver paths to the list of excluded paths in SharePoint Services. If you do not add these paths to the list of excluded paths in SharePoint, Axapta will not be able to locate the Reporting Services URLs and therefore you will not be able to link Microsoft Dynamics AX and Reporting Services.

From the Start menu, click Administrative Tools > SharePoint Central Administration.

Click Configure Virtual Server Settings.

Click Default Web Site.

Click Define Managed Paths.

Under Add a New Path, enter /reports in the Path text box.

Select the Excluded Path option.

Click OK.

Enter /reportserver in the Path text box.

Select the Excluded Path option.

Click OK.


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