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Старый 12.09.2009, 17:05   #1  
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Jim Wang: CRM ISV Add-On : The entry 'ScriptModule' has already been added

I tested a CRM 4.0 add-on (ISV-A) last week, the default ASPX page generated an error:

Parser Error Message: The entry 'ScriptModule' has already been added.

The add-on was located under the folder: CRMWeb\ISV\MyAddon
Of cause it inherits settings from CRM's root web.config: in the CRM's root web.config, the ScriptModule has been added by another ISV's (ISV-B) add-on(it shouldn't do it at all).

But if I remove the ScriptModule from ISV-A's web.config, the error changed to:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingAuthenticationServiceSection' to type 'System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingAuthenticationServiceSection'.

That's because the .Net version of ScriptModule are different between ISV-A and ISV-B's, so we have to stop ScriptModule(ISV-A's) inheriting from CRM's root web.config.

So that what I need to do on ISV-A's web.config:

Just before the ScriptModule, add a tag, which will remove the inherited setting:

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