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Старый 23.06.2011, 04:13   #1  
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Dynamics CRM Tools: New tool: JavaScript Web Resource Manager for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

I didn’t find a way to provide you a JavaScript editor as flexible as the one I created for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 since the scripts are now in two parts in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: web resource and script call from forms…

Anyway, this new tool allows you to update JavaScript web resources with the following features:

  • Export scripts web resources from CRM server
  • Save scripts web resources to disk
  • Load scripts files from disk
  • Edit scripts with default text editor or Visual Studio
  • Edit web resource properties
  • Save scripts to CRM server
  • Publish scripts to CRM server
It should help you avoid multiple clicks as soon as you want to update a JavaScript web resource…

As usual with my tools for CRM 2011, it is published on codeplex

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