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Старый 19.12.2013, 17:00   #1  
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We are happy to announce that we have added support for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (Professional, Premium, and Ultimate editions) to create and modify RDLC reports. This lets you use the latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio when designing reports for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2.

To enable Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 support, you must install the hotfix from the Knowledge Base article 2907585. After the hotfix is installed, when you design reports from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 is automatically used if it is available on the computer running the development environment; otherwise, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 is used if it is available. There is no option to choose which version of Microsoft Visual Studio to use if both Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 are installed on the development environment computer. With regard to editing RDLC reports for Microsoft Dynamics 2013 R2, there is no functional difference between using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, and RDLC reports that are edited with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 can be edited later with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 if needed.

Best regards,

the Microsoft Dynamics NAV team

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