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Старый 31.01.2019, 03:15   #1  
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stoneridgesoftware: April Release of Dynamics 365 Strengthens Integration Between Business Central and Sales

Many SMB businesses are realizing the full potential of integrated business applications by adopting both Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics 365 for Sales. The Dynamics 365 software update coming in April 2019 will help strengthen the integration between Sales and Business Central by synchronizing data, eliminating duplicate information and allowing users to resolve conflicting data without involving their IT department or software partner.

Any synchronization issues on sales-related Role Centers will be highlighted for the appropriate users who can then decide how to resolve them – whether that be individually or in bulk – because they are the owners of the data.

Sales teammembers will also be able to rely on Dynamics 365 to find updated item pricingand expected shipment dates, giving them the information needed for optimalcustomer service. Once the sale is made, users can easily submit a sales orderfor fulfillment from any device no matter where they are.

When salesorders change or parts are substituted within Business Central, the informationis then pushed back into Sales to keep all team members on the same page. Inthe same way, any changes on sales quotes are also pushed between BusinessCentral and Sales.

Learn more about Dynamics 365 on our blog or reach out to our team.

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